Prepping For a New Year? Here’s A 2023 Digital Media Plan Template for You.

I will keep it short and simple. 2023 is upon us and as advertisers, we need to plan for the next year. Most of the time we don’t do it from scratch, we have learned ways and templates to do it. I thought I’d share mine with you in the hope it helps anyone or I get feedback from you. This is the first time I try this.

What do you need to do? Download the document below and use it at your peril.


And book a chat with me on my Calendly if you want to chat and tell me how you do it.

Social Media Tracking: How To Set Up LinkedIn And Twitter Website Tags And Share Audiences With Partners

Social Media Tracking: How To Set Up LinkedIn And Twitter Website Tags And Share Audiences With Partners

Facebook Conversion Pixel. Twitter Website Tag. LinkedIn Insight Tag.

Social media platforms have their own naming convention and their very own setup and way of doing things. I have gone through this a couple of times and have struggled with it. That is why I want to document this to maybe help you out. Let’s start with Twitter today,

Twitter Website Tag: How to Install It And Share Audiences

1. Log in to your Ad Account.

2. Go to Tools> Conversion tracking

3. Select View Code and Installation Instructions

4. Send the code to the web development team for them to install at the bottom of all your web pages.

5. Create Custom Audiences

Tools>Audiences>Create new conversion event>Create audience

You will then be prompted to choose between these types of audiences. Choose the right type and name your audience in an easy way to identify. If you are reading this articles, I somehow expect that you are interested in retargeting visitors of your website so you might want to choose that?

Once the audience is created your retargeting lists will start building and you are ready to leverage them in campaigns and also share them with partners so…move on to step #6!

6. Add your partner’s Twitter Handle as a Partner Audience Manager

First you need to click on your Ad Account Name (upper right corner) and select Edit access to account.

Then you just add the Twitter handle you want to grant access to your Custom Audiences to and make them (at least) Partner Audience Manager, if not more than just that.

The handle should now have access to Custom Audiences you built during step #5. They can view, create, modify, and delete Custom Audiences through the Twitter API. 

LinkedIn Insight Tag: How To Install It And Share Audiences

Step 1: Install The Insight Tag

Go to your ad account (I assume you already have one), go to Account Assets>Insight Tag> Install my Insight Tag.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-3-1024x458.png

You then have to choose the way you want to install your tag.

  1. I will install the tag myself: you will copy the tag code yourself and paste the Insight Tag code below in your website’s global footer, right above the closing HTML <body> tag. Adding the tag to the footer will let you track conversions or retarget on any page across your whole site. You need to have access to your website code and be comfortable with editing it.
  2. I will send the tag to a developer: just as it reads, you send instructions to your developer and it will get done by someone writing code daily. Nice and easy.
  3. I will use a tag manager – does Google Tag Manager ring any bell? You can choose between different tag managers, starting with GTM, Tealium tag manager, Adobe tag manager, IBM, Ensighten tag manager, Floodlight tag manager. You choose the one that best fits your needs.

And there you have it: Your tag should send data as soon as it has been installed correctly on your website. For privacy purposes, Website Demographics and Website Audiences require 300 visitors or more to visit your page before you will see data.

Step 2: Create Custom Audiences

Go to Account Assets>Matched Audiences. Your next step is to decide what type of retargeting audience you want to create.

You can choose from:

  1. Company page – your page followers
  2. Event
  3. Lead gen form – people who opened a form you promoted, but did not fill it in
  4. Video – people who watched your videos,
  5. Website traffic – this is what we want for this exercise.

You will have to, of course, name your audience and decide what webpage traffic you want to retarget. You can insert multiple links and combine multiple links.

Let’s say you would like to retarget people who read your blog – then you would select starts with and type in something like .

Or let’s take a different scenario: you have a campaign landing page you would like to retarget and offer the readers a discounted price. Instead of starts with you select equals and insert the landing page url.

Pretty straightforward, right? Now let’s see how you can share that retargeting audience with a partner, maybe another division in your company that runs paid advertising from their own ad account. Or maybe you want to share that audience with an agency you’ve contracted.

Step 3: How To Share Matched Audiences

Once again go to Account Assets>Matched Audiences and select the audience you want to share. Click on that top button Share a copy and enter the account name, ID, or URL of your partner in the next screen. You are done!

LinkedIn Lead Gen Campaigns: Read This Before You Launch.

LinkedIn Lead Gen Campaigns: Read This Before You Launch.

Lead Gen campaigns on LinkedIn are a great way to generate qualified leads for your sales teams. Provided you do it right. What does that actually mean? Plan, test, optimize. I’ll go through my process, do let me know how you do it, ok?

Plan Before You Set Up Your LinkedIn Lead Gen Campaign.

Pretty obvious, right? But the actual strategy behind a lead gen ads campaign requires you to think of more than just the media plan. Unless you understand the broader picture your chances of running a successful lead gen campaign are slim,

In my experience there are a couple of aspects you need to analyze and decide before you open LinkedIn Ads Manager.

Think About Your Brand/Product And Answer These Questions:

  • is it a top contender in its market? how old is it, do people know about it and respect the brand as such?

If it’s not, you need to go back to the drawing board and decide if a lead gen ad is a good move at the moment. Maybe you need to consider building the brand and then try lead gen. Or else your offering must be very very strong, but more about that one later on.

  • what is your competitors’ offering at the moment? How does your brand/product/offer stack up against theirs? This is a great moment to revisit your value proposition (in case you need some inspiration on the topic, listen to this great Everyone Hates Marketers podcast episode with Hiten Shah, creator of KISSmetrics and Crazzy Egg, explaining how to find the right value proposition for your customers)
  • look at your customer persona and their pain points. Yes, again. Get in touch with your sales team and your customer support team to truly understand the client. Listen to your customers: check product reviews, both yours and your competitors and take a close look at the wording they use, you might find some hidden gems.

Create LinkedIn Audiences (Potentially) Ready To Buy To Leverage In Your LinkedIn Lead Gen Campaigns

You’ve see the sales funnel, right? You must have! Here, let me jog you memory with an amazing sketch I doodled on my own.

This tells us loud and clear that some people might not be ready to buy. They might not be in the market for your solution (yet), they might not have the budget, or external conditions might make them uncertain of when they can (re)start purchasing. What you can do to make sure your lead gen campaign is set up for success is try to identify the people who, faced with a good offer, might be convinced, LinkedIn allows for an array of possibilities, let’s look at some of them:

Customer lists

Go back to your friend, the salesperson, and get a list of potential clients, anything they can share with you might help> company name, job title/seniorities, etc. Talk with your salesperson about the decision-makers on the client-side and find out what department he works in, that way you can also leverage LinkedIn’s capability to target by function.

Pro tip: ask your friend about Sales Navigator, this sales tool for outreach LinkedIn is pushing. If they heard about it and use it to reach out to potential customers, get them to share the juicy data/lists they saved in there. Ask about their top performing tactics in Sales Navigator. Watch and learn from your friend, doing lead gen campaigns is as close as it gets to the sales process.

Custom list based on website traffic

You can retarget people who visited your website provided you have the Insight Tag installed (but you have that, right? you wouldn’t even dream of LinkedIn paid campaigns without installing the Tag…).

Pro tip: if your budget is small and you really need to target the audiences most likely to convert, identify the high-value traffic – people who visited the product page/requested a demo or downloaded a whitepaper. Retarget those and make them an offer they can’t refuse. What’s the offer? You tell me, you definitely know after all the hard work you put in when you planned your campaign and talked to your friends in Sales and customer support.

Test Your Offering And Audiences.

‘You know nothing, Jon Snow!’ (yes, GoT reference, stop rolling your eyes, it was a good show…). Much like Jon, we know nothing of how the campaign will perform and what would drive performance. I know this seems preposterous, but what about testing? Here’s how I’d do it.

  1. Write up 1-2 hypothesis on what might grab your audience’s attention. For example, you could say something in the lines of;
    • Our target audience wants to talk with product engineers.
    • Our target audience wants to read case studies.
  2. Figure out your ad creative format: you can leverage images, carousels, video, text ads, conversational ads etc. Depending on your offer, your hook (see #1) and your budget (#3) decide what you want to test out.
  3. Settle on a test budget and testing timeframe, for example, 5% of your budget to test during the first week.
  4. Analyze week 1 results in a team meeting and decide what you keep and what to get rid of.

Optimize Every 10-12 Days Or So.

Do NOT hurry to optimize in the first week. Let the algorithm do its magic and let the platform find your audience at the right time and place. If you are lucky you have some previous benchmarks> for example, for one audience I discovered I needed my key message to reach the audience at least 3-4 times to hit the sweet spot where they would be ready to convert. That’s why I believe for most products with long lifecycles you almost always need to run lead gen ads alongside brand or product awareness/engagement ads. That way you make sure your audience is not only aware of your offering, but they are considering your product.

And then you have the basics of any paid campaign:

  1. Pause underperforming creatives
  2. Twitch audience. Look at your campaign demographics and only keep the best performing
  3. Scale budget for best-performing tactics.

Last But Not Least, Your LinkedIn Lead Gen Campaign Is not Just Your Masterpiece. Talk To Your Friend, The Salesperson. Yes, again.

Ideally, you can have them join you weekly team meetings and get their live input and optimize your campaign to not only get leads, but get qualified marketing leads that the sales team can turn into clients. Only then will everyone be happy and your campaign be considered a success, horray!

This is it. My framework on how to plan, build, test, and optimize LinkedIn Lead Gen campaigns. Hope it helps. Would love to learn more from others and how others drive MQLs on LinkedIn.
